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Amanda and guests will be sharing the lastest strategies to becoming a high impact business advisor. 

Business Advisory Services are in demand, but launching and scaling a powerful, process driven and profitable advisory product is difficult. It can take time, trial and error, and creativity, which many of those who are qualified to give business advice struggle with.  

This podcast will offer the roadmap you need to ‘productising’ your unique experience and insights, creating an advisory offer like no other. 

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Bottle Your Brilliance with Amanda C. Watts | Oompf Global

“CPAs, accountants, bookkeepers, financial coaches; you are all so highly skilled, so knowledgable and can have such a HUGE impact on the business and lives of the people you work with.

It’s time to stop playing small. Stop being a tick box on a business’s compliance checklist.

Create, sell and deliver high value, high impact advisory and change, not only the lives of your clients, but of yourselves.”

– Amanda C. Watts
Founder of Business Advisor Academy